Occasionally, a stitch may fall off your needle, in which case correct it by following one of the techniques described below. Dropped stitches are often the result of leaving work in the middle of a row.
Picking up a Dropped Knit Stitch
1. Pick up both the stitch and strand on your right hand needle, inserting the needle from front to back. |
2. Insert your left hand needle through the stitch only, from back to front. With your right hand needle only, pull the strand through the stitch to make the extra stitch. (Drop the stitch from your left hand needle). |
3. Transfer the re-formed stitch back to your left hand needle, so that it untwists and faces the correct way. It is now ready for knitting again. |
Picking up a Dropped Purl Stitch
1. Pick up both the stitch and strand on your right hand needle, inserting the needle from back to front. |
2. Insert you left hand needle through the stitch only, from front to back. With your right hand needle only, pull the strand through the stitch to make the extra stitch. (Drop the stitch from your left hand needle). |
3. Transfer the re-formed stitch back to your left hand needle, so that it untwists and faces the correct way. It is now ready for purling again. |